Home Bertha de Vriese, the youngest Home of the university, is situated on campus ‘the Sterre’. The rooms are studios, after all a bit more luxury and tranquility is very comfortable ;). The fact that this is the Benjamin of the homes, doesn’t prevent our students from going crazy from time to time. The main goal of the praesidium is to make the life at Home Bertha as pleasant as possible by providing numerous activities. These range from a quiz, a bar evening, a movie or series night, a museum activity, a parlour game night, a pool or poker tournament, etc. Every year there is the traditional ‘Bertha party’, getting more notorious each edition and always ending up to be a night-to-remember (with a lot of hangovers). Furthermore the praesidium defends the interests of the students and functions as a means of communications between the UGent and the students. The colours of our coat of arms are those of the rooms: salmon pink and green. The cat is included because, especially at sunset, we find more cats around the building than students. Besides that the dutch word for male cat is ‘kater’, which translates to hangover and refers to the reputation of our parties. The two stars are a symbol for the two buildings located on campus ‘the Sterre’.