Comac is the national student movement of the PVDA, this means that we are active at Flemish and Walloon universities. Comac fights for social justice. We strive towards a totally different society: one without poverty and exploitation. We believe in a society where there is no room for racism, sexism or any other form of discrimination; in a world where every young person has acces to quality education; in an economy not aimed at making profits, but in serving the wellbeing of both people and nature. Comac unites young people who want to build a more social, sustainable and democratic future. In Ghent we have set up some successful actions: various lectures on topics such as saving the climate and resisting the far right, attention for mental health and solidarity with Palestina, but also actions to condemn the collaboration between Ghent University and Monsanto or other recurring activities such as our collective study moments. We come together weekly to analyze current political events and plan actions in and around campus. Do you want to change the world and think that Comac might be something for you? Do you have any questions? Feel free to contact us via the website, Facebook or Instagram.