It’s the year 1995. On the initiative of the ‘Department of Architecture and Urban Planning’ a workgroup was created with the goal to serve as a dialogue between students and teachers. A workgroup that would evolve into ‘the fellowship of Architecture’: the mooing cow had seen the light. Its status undefined. Its possibilities unlimited. Serving the education of architecture, it performs where needed and tries to fill the gaps. A mixture of academical seriousness and individual fascinations, a work of love, but of conviction too, all of this against the background of an expanding and globalised practice, the intellectual openness offered by the mooing cow is a possibility that needs to be cherished. An idea. The belief in an idea, in something that transcends the mundane world and escapes reality. An idea that once was ‘Architecture’. “There was once a dream, that was Architecture, You could only whisper it.” J.R.