On a summer day in mid-July, at a kitchen-table in Ghent, the idea Prometheus was born. The goal: create a society for students with an interest in creative writing in English. The society arose from the merger between the Creative Writing Group and Simile, a literary magazine. Prometheus wishes to carry on this legacy. We will continue publishing Simile and continue to providestudents with creative writing sessions. As a society, we wish to offer more activities to spark your creative fire, such as workshops and seminars led by specialists from the creative writing branch.
The founders, Zoë Van Cauwenberg and Lena Vercauteren worked throughout the summer to arrange everything to have the society up and running by September. In this endeavour, they were joined by Sofie Vandepitte, Marinus Eekman, Damieta Rutters and Cara Uyttebroeck. Together, they formed the first creative team of this society and worked together to plan a variety of activities. The backbone of the society, the Prometheus Scribbles, takes place every other Tuesday, from 7-9pm, allowing students to come together and get their creative fire going by way of prompts on a certain theme. Other activities, such as seminars, editorial meetings for Simile, and Prometheus Unwinds, provide an atmosphere where our members can further their craft, try their hand at editing and proofreading, and get to know one another better in a relaxed setting with pizza and boardgames.
To continue this journey, we need you and your creative fire. Join us for a Prometheus Scribbles or a seminar, and meet our team. Share your stories, your creativity, meet fantastic people and join us in writing Prometheus’ story.