The ‘Katholiek Vlaams Hoogstudentenverbond Gent’ is a colour wearing, academic community built on national-conservative principles. We want to unite human capital in an avant-gardist, elite building community, pursuing the sovereignty and emancipation of our members and people’s community. Furthermore, we are a Flemish-minded association dedicated to the battle for Flemish emancipation and preservation of our culture, values, norms and traditions. We want to prepare our members politically and intellectually to foster their civic spirit. By way of organising lectures, writing opinion articles and participating in the social debate we want to influence the public opinion. We were founded in 1887, which makes us one of the oldest, still active student associations in Flanders. The KHVH has a collegiate pillar as well. As publisher of the Flemish student codex, we play an important role in the Flemish student life. We are known for our extensive knowledge of songs, traditional colours and stylish ‘studentikoziteit’.