Studentenraad Geneeskunde Gent

Studentenraad Geneeskunde Gent

The Student Working Group on Education, or SWOP for short (in Dutch), is the student council for all medical students at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at Ghent University. All Medicine students are automatically members of SWOP! The aim of SWOP is to improve medicine education by evaluating it from the students’ perspective. We raise issues and assume the role of first point of contact, kind of first “ombudsman service”, in support of lecturers and students. Suggestions from students to optimise the programme are discussed at our monthly meetings. SWOP also represents the student voice on various councils and committees. Our student council consists of an executive board, a year representative from each year (ranging from 1st bachelor to 3rd master), and all interested medical students. We meet once a month and we also organise lots of fun activities throughout the year, such as a SWOP quiz, a House-MD night, a Christmas party….