The Ghent Student Council is the central student council of Ghent University. The Ghent Student Council represents and defends the interests of the students. The topics range from all affairs concerning education (Education and Examination code, special status for students …) as well as social affairs (housing, student restaurants …) and many other topics. The list of topics is quite diverse and is not limited to the aforementioned.
However, the Ghent Student Council is not solely active on the university level. As well as supporting the Faculty Student Councils of which there are eleven, the Ghent Student Council is also active on both the municipal and Flemish level. Finally, the Ghent Student Council supports several smaller and a few big projects such as the Fietsambassade, the Student Kick-Off and Zeus WPI.

Biomedische Studentenraad
The Biomedical student council is an association of volunteers who put a lot of effort in the Biomedical Sciences-course. They are...
De Psychologische en Pedagogische StudentenRaad
As the name suggests this association represents the students of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences. This means that the...
Faculteitsraad Bio-ingenieurswetenschappen
Faculteitsraad Ingenieurswetenschappen en Architectuur
FRiS is the student council of the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture and as such FRiS represents and defends the interest...
Gentse Studentenraad
The Ghent Student Council is the central student council of Ghent University. The Ghent Student Council represents and defends the interests...

Studentenraad voor Rechten en Criminologie (StuReC)
StuReC is the Faculty Student Council for Law and Criminology. StuReC cooperates with the faculty student representatives and stays in touch...
StudentenRaad Politieke en Sociale Wetenschappen
StuRa is the student council for and by the students from the Faculty of Political and Social Sciences. Our main goal...

Studentenraad Dierengeneeskunde
The Veterinary Student Council is a Faculty Student Council that is committed to all students at the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine....
Studentenraad Faculteit Economie en Bedrijfskunde
Stuveco is the student council of the Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. Our student representatives are members of various councils...
Studentenraad Faculteit Farmaceutische Wetenschappen
StuFF is the student council of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences at Ghent University. StuFF is a faculty contact point for...
Studentenraad Faculteit Letteren en Wijsbegeerte
Studentenraad Faculteit Wetenschappen
StuW is the Student Council of the Faculty of Sciences. We represent the students at faculty and university level, the latter...
Studentenraad Geneeskunde Gent
The Student Working Group on Education, or SWOP for short (in Dutch), is the student council for all medical students at...
Studentenraad Geneeskunde en Gezondheidswetenschappen
StuGG is the umbrella student council at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences. At our faculty every department is represented...