FaculteitenKonvent Gent vzw
The Faculteiten Konvent includes over 29 associations. For every programme at our university there is a Faculty Student Council. These take...
Vlaamse Biomedische Kring
V.B.K. simply the best! For all the Biomedical Sciences students, we organise various crazy parties in the ‘Point Final’, our favorite...
Vlaamse Geschiedkundige Kring
The ‘Vlaamse Geschiedkundige Kring’ is the association for all the Ghent University History students. Its homebase is the ‘Blandijn’, one of...
Moeder lies
We are proud to present our student association Moeder Lies. Since 1995 it is the official Business Administration, Public Administration and...
Vlaamse Psychologische en Pedagogische Kring
As VPPK - student association for Ghent University Psychology and Educational Sciences students - we are committed to contribute in a...
Vlaams Diergeneeskundige Kring
The ‘Vlaams Diergeneeskundige Kring’ is the association for, you’ll never guess what, Veterinary Medicine students. Because of the fact that our...
Vlaamse Levenstechnische Kring
The VLK is the association for Bioscience Engineering students. They have local beer tastings and are very serious with regards to...
Veto Gent
Veto Gent is the association for all the Applied Language Studies students. We don’t just help you study, but organise fun...
Gentse Biologische Kring
The Biological Student Association is for all Biology students in Ghent. We are a small but close group of friends who...
The ‘Hoger Instituut voor Lichamelijk Opvoeding en Kinesitherapie’, in short HILOK, is by far the most sporty student association in Ghent....
Dentalia is the student association par excellence for every future dentist. Thanks to the enjoyable size of our field of study,...
Kring Moraal en Filosofie
The ‘Kring Moraal en Filosofie’ is the faculty association of two Ghent University programmes: Moral Sciences and Philosophy. Each year the...
Hermes is the student circle for Industrial Engineering students at the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture of Ghent University. This association...
Gentse Farma Kring
Faculty association for Pharmaceutical Sciences students.
Filologica is the student association for the Ghent University Linguistics and Literature students. The association was founded in 2004 and has...
Vlaamse Economische Kring
Since 1923 is the Vlaamse Economische Kring the official student association of the entire Faculty of Economics and Business Administration. We...
Oosterse Afrikaanse Kring
The ‘Oosterse Afrikaanse Kring’ is the student association for Sinology, Indology, Arabic and Islam Studies and African Languages and Cultures students....
Geografica is the student association for Ghent University Geography and Geomatics students. Every year a very enthusiastic praesidium is ready to...
Geologica is the faculty association for Ghent University Geology students and sympathisers. Geologica has fifteen enthusiastic praesidium members who make sure...

The association aims to provide students at academic medical centres in Belgium with a deepened and broadened understanding of surgical disciplines....
Levenslange Inzet voor Leute en Ambiance
LILA is the association connected with the Faculty of Bioscience Engineering and stands for ‘Levensmiddelenindustrieën en Landbouw’ (Food Industries and Agriculture)....
Vlaamse Geneeskundige Kring
What’s in a name? The ‘Vlaamse Geneeskundige Kring, in short the VGK, is the student association for all the Ghent University...
WiNa is the faculty group from and for Mathematics, Computer Science and Physics & Astronomy students who study at the University...
Vlaams Rechtsgenootschap
The ‘Vlaams Rechtsgenootschap Gent’ is the largest Ghent-based student association for future jurists. Throughout the year we provide different activities for...
Lombrosiana is the faculty association of the Criminology programme. They offer a variety of festivities, sports, cultural activities, study and all...
Vlaamse Logopedische en Audiologische Kring
VLAK (Vlaamse Logopedische Audiologische Kring) is a Ghent-based student association for Ghent University Speech Language and Hearing Sciences students. We were...
Chemica is the faculty association for all Ghent University Chemistry, Biochemistry and Biotechnology students. The main goal of this student association...
Vlaamse Technische Kring
The VTK is the umbrella association for all the Ghent-based Civil Engineering and Architecture students. We organise numerous activities every year....
Politeia is the student association for Political and Social Sciences students. Besides the classic activities organised by student associations - like...
Kunsthistorische kring
The ‘Kunsthistorische Kring’ is an association for Archeology and Art History students. Or, in their own words, those who occupy themselves...
Slavia is the student association for and by Ghent University East European Languages and Cultures students. Together with the department we...